Welcome to our FAQ page! We have compiled the questions that customers frequently ask and provide detailed answers to help you complete your shopping experience more easily. If you can’t find the answer, please feel free to contact our customer service team.

  1. Order related
    Q: How can I check the status of my order?
    A: After logging into your account, go to the “My Orders” page, you can view the order details and current status. If you need further assistance, please contact our customer service team.

Q: Can I modify or cancel my order?
A: You can contact our customer service team to request modification or cancellation before the order is shipped. Once the order is shipped, it cannot be changed or cancelled.

  1. Payment issues
    Q: What payment methods are supported?
    A: We accept the following payment methods:

Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
Other supported payment methods will be displayed at checkout.
Q: Is my payment information safe?
A: Yes, we use advanced encryption technology to ensure the security of your payment information and strictly abide by the privacy protection policy.

  1. Delivery related
    Q: How long does it take to deliver?
    A: It usually takes 1-3 working days to process an order, and 5-15 working days to deliver it, depending on your location. Please refer to our Shipping Policy for details.

Q: How do I track my order?

A: When your order is shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number, and you can follow the order status in real time through the link.

  1. Returns and Refunds

Q: How do I apply for a return?

A: Please refer to our Return Policy for the return conditions and steps. You need to submit a return application within a certain period of time after receiving the goods.

Q: How long does it take for a refund?

A: It usually takes 7-10 working days to process a refund, depending on your payment method and bank processing speed.

  1. Account Issues

Q: What if I forget my password?

A: Click the “Forgot Password” link on the login page, enter your registered email address, and you will receive an email to reset your password.

Q: How do I update my personal information?

A: After logging in to your account, go to the “Account Settings” page, where you can update your personal information, address, and contact information.

  1. Contact Us
    If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at:

Email: shopsale@me.com
Phone: +1210-578-1489
We will be happy to help you!

The ShopSale Team